Wolf's Desire Read online

Page 11

“I’m up. I’m coming,” Aiden growled at the door.

  Something was wrong. She could feel it in the air and noted the tension in Aiden’s body.

  “What’s going on?” She started to get out of the bed.

  Aiden rushed over to her side and placed a handgun in her hand. It was heavy, and loaded. “Stay in this room. Don’t leave until I come get you.” He shoved his shirt into her hand. “Get dressed.”

  She slipped the oversized shirt on over her head. “What the hell is going on?”

  A wolf howled outside. It was nearby. The animal sounded like it was right in Aiden’s backyard.

  “If anyone comes through that door before I get back, shoot ‘em.”

  Her hands flew to her mouth. “OhmyGod.”

  He turned and headed for the door. She followed him, but he had already crossed the threshold.

  Aiden paused in the doorway. His fangs dropped and his eyes flashed a bright cerulean blue. “Stay here.” He pulled the door close, leaving her shivering and scared.

  What she heard after the back door slammed sent goose bumps spreading all across her body. It sounded like wild animals were sparring outside. She could hear them tumbling on the ground and against the house through the hole in the window. The barks turned to vicious snarls…and the snarls turned into yelps.

  Keira backed up into a corner and her back hit the wall. She aimed the gun at the door. Her fingers shook so hard that she nearly dropped the weapon. All she could think about was Aiden. She needed him. God, she hoped he didn’t get hurt like last time.

  There were gun shots fired, but the way it sounded, something brutal was going on outside. She fought the urge to exit the room. She was terrified as fuck, but if anything happened to Aiden, she would be devastated.

  Most of the noise stopped outside and then there was complete silence. Her heart dropped in her belly as the worst scenario flashed before her. A wave of nausea floated took her as an image of him bleeding from the bullet wounds revealed itself.

  No! She couldn’t let him die.

  Keira tiptoed toward the door, grasping the butt of the gun. She exited the room and took careful steps toward the back door. The door was partially ajar and she pushed it open slowly to get a better view outside.

  The yard looked like a bloody wolf maze. There was carnage, blood, and five dead wolves on the ground. Two big brown massive wolves hovered over a sixth, snapping teeth and snarling. She recognized one of the wolves just before an orb of light glimmered and it shifted into Aiden.

  Her shocked gasp caught in the back of her throat. She swallowed it, least she be discovered.

  The other aggressor did the same. A glimmer of light. Visible vibration in the space where he stood. This time, it was Blake.

  Then the bloodied wolf they’d managed to corner into a tree shifted.

  Both Aiden and Blake remained with their backs turned to her.

  They were hovered over a man. His hair was dyed a bright green and a metal belt gleamed brightly around his waist. He was throwing up gulps of blood.

  Keira squinted and saw that his entire stomach had been ravaged. She dry heaved, taking a few steps back.

  “Do I even need to ask who sent you?” Aiden demanded of the man with olive skin and green-dyed hair.

  “Look at my belt. You already know.”

  “Why did he send you?”

  “For the shield and dagger.” The man began to shake violently, and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. His body went limp.

  Keira couldn’t help herself. She sprinted out of the house, nearly tripping down the steps of the porch, and rushed into Aiden’s arms.

  He was covered in dirt and blood. His and those of the wolves and dead men around him.

  “I was scared.” Her words rushed out of her.

  “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  She glimpsed the deep bite on his shoulder. “God, you’re hurt.”

  He flinched when she touched it. “It’ll heal.”

  “But, it’s still bleeding,” she protested. Blackish blood dripped down his arm from the bite.

  Blake had wandered off, checking for pulsing on the necks of the wolves who lay motionless on the ground. She noted the blood leaking from his side as well.

  “Both of you! We need to call for an ambulance.”

  Blake choked on laughter and then gripped his side and groaned out a curse. He had been laughing at her. What was wrong with these men?

  “What did I tell you about human doctors?” Aiden said, taking her hand and rushing her back toward the house.

  Blake followed.

  Once inside the house, Aiden rushed over to the sink and grabbed a towel. He dampened it with water from the faucet and then dragged it across his face and body, ridding himself of some of the blood and dirt.

  Keira took the towel away from him, just as he collapsed in a chair by the kitchen table and finished cleaning him. She ran back over to the sink, washed out the mess, and then returned with the damp towel in hand again. “I thought I would lose you.” She wiped more grime from his face, and then kissed him.

  When she pressed the towel to the bite in his shoulder, he growled. “Use your hands,” he said.

  “My hands…?” Then it dawned on her. She knew what she had to do.

  Keira sat on his lap, legs dangled on either side of his thighs and covered the ragged wound with her palm. Aiden let his head fall back against the chair and a look of euphoria replaced the pain marring his face. Icy cold energy sparked in her palm and out through her fingers. It felt like the energy was being pulled from her and transferred to him. Healing him didn’t hurt. Instead, it gave her a sense of purpose. Only when his eyes focused on her, wide and alive with life, did she remove her palm.

  Their attention was fixed on his shoulder where the bite had once been. It was gone. The wound had closed up. Except for bruising and imperfections of the skin where canine teeth had pierced him, there was no evidence of the injury.

  One touch and the will to save…

  Keira smiled. She’d healed him.

  Their gazes locked with each other. He cupped the back of her neck and took her lips, kissing her with heated passion.

  Blake cleared his throat behind them, and they pulled apart.

  Her mind sparked with a new idea. She got up, grabbed another towel, wet it under the faucet, and brought it to where Blake sat in the den. “I don’t want either of you to die.”

  Blake gave her a toothy grin. It was the first time he’d really smiled since she’d met him. “Look, darling. I’ll be alright in about a half hour. The bites were shallow.”

  He spoke as if he didn’t care, but his hand was still pressed to his side.

  “And suffer for that long? There’s dirt all over you, and you’ll catch an infection. Let me help you.” She held out the towel.

  Blake’s gaze lifted and he looked behind her at Aiden. “You can’t heal me like you did him. Trust me.”

  She looked at Aiden questioningly.

  “He’s right,” Aiden said.

  “That won’t work on me.” Blake shook his head. “You’re his mate.”

  “I understand, but I won’t let you walk around with an open wound. Let me at least bandage it up.”

  Aiden and Blake exchanged a few glances, and then Aiden nodded. “While you help him, I’ll pack the jeep. We have to get the fuck out of here now, before they send more idiots like that to die like fools.”

  “I wish they would.” Blake grimaced. “It would be like killing dozens of birds with two stones.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Devin Caedmon was one daunting man. Or so it appeared…

  From the moment Keira entered the Caedmon mansion with Aiden and Blake at her side, the man had looked at her with an angry animalistic stare that rivaled any she’d ever had the misfortune of receiving.

  Although he was beautiful, the expression on his face and the way he stood menacingly at the head of the board room table told Ke
ira that he had a vicious side. The same side she’d seen in Aiden many times before.

  The maid that had greeted when they’d arrived, left the room without saying a word, and closed the door behind her.

  There was another young male in the room with Devin, with icy blue eyes and a head full of blond hair. He appeared uninterested with his feet propped up on the corner of the table, and never looked up from the book he held open in his hand.

  Aiden left her side and dropped the chest holding the relics atop the table.

  Devin’s emerald gaze moved quickly over the box, then he looked at her. “Sit down.”

  Aiden pulled out a seat for her, and they all sat down.

  “How long have you had these?” Devin’s arms were rested atop the table, his hands cupped together.

  Caught off guard, she reached next to her and grabbed Aiden’s hand. She hadn’t expected to be questioned. “I didn’t know they were in the house.” She shook her head. “I’m not sure how long they’d been there.”

  He examined her. Like Aiden, Devin could probably smell a lie. “How long have you been living in the house?”

  “Two and a half years.”

  “Do you know what we are?”

  She nodded.

  Devin exchanged a look with Aiden.

  “She’s my mate,” Aiden said. “It’s been confirmed.”

  Devin looked at Blake.

  Blake cleared his throat. “Definitely.”

  Keira’s face heated as she remembered how they men had joked on the ride here about how she and Aiden had carried on each night.

  “The bond hasn’t been completed.” This came from the young blond-headed male at the other end of the table. He’d taken his feet down and the book he was reading was now closed on the table.

  “Mind your business, Dawson, and stop smelling us,” Aiden said between clenched teeth. “We will complete it when we’re ready.”

  Dawson chuckled.

  “Ms. Keira Ellis,” Devin said, his dominant voice cutting through the tension. “I would like what’s in that chest, but I need you to give up your rights to it. They’ve been in your possession too long, and as I understand as part of Ellis’ will, they were left to you. You own them on paper. To take them outright would be like stealing. I won’t stoop to that level.”

  She swallowed. “I made a promise to Jamison. I would never let these items find themselves in the wrong hands.”

  “Did he define wrong hands?”

  “He didn’t have a chance to. They murdered him, Mr. Caedmon.”

  Devin gestured with his hand to the chest. “Do you know the value of these things?”

  “I imagine they’re worth a great deal of money. Millions maybe, since they’re dated so far back.”

  Devin laughed lightly. “These are worth more than money, Miss Ellis.”

  “Call me Keira.”

  He grinned. “Call me Devin.”

  Her tension began to subside. “I know the story. Aiden told me. I know who they belonged to.”

  Devin glanced at Aiden again, and for a minute Keira thought she’d gotten him in trouble.

  “What would you like in exchange for the contents of this box? One million? Two million?”

  “Tell me what the contents mean to you first and then I will bargain.”

  Devin looked surprised, and he crossed his arms over his chest. “You want truth?”

  She nodded.

  “I am a direct descendant of William Caedmon II. The relics within the box contain certain powers. Powers that may only be consumed or delegated by Caedmon males of the original bloodline. Powers we lost when this shit went missing centuries ago, and was hidden by Others. I suspect that the Other who hide the relics didn’t want us to regain the powers. Somehow, these ended up in the hands of Mr. Jamison Ellis. It doesn’t seem that he wanted to turn the relics over at all either. Why that is…is still a mystery.”

  “But you all descend from Caedmon, right?” she asked.

  “The only other male in this room who is directly descended from a previous Caedmon Alpha is Dawson. He is my half-brother.” He swung his arm out toward Dawson. “He and I are the only ones—in this room—that have the ability to consume, harness, or delegate the powers.”

  “And outside of it?” She already knew the answer.


  She bit down on her bottom lip, as a painful sensation gripped her head. Another migraine. Damn. Why now at this moment?

  “What will it be, Keira?” Devin pressed. “Name. Your. Price.”

  “Avenge Jamison’s death.” Her demand echoed throughout the boardroom. One could have heard a needle drop.

  The corners of Devin’s lips turned up into a grin, and then he turned to regard Aiden, who’d remained quiet beside her. “I need your support.”

  “My support is given, Alpha.”

  Devin nodded. “Consider it done, Keira. Jamison’s death along with many others will be avenged.” He cast his gaze down at the chest that held the relics, licking his bottom lip as though anticipating his prize. “Dawson, will you have someone deliver a message to Roman? He will perform the ceremony.”

  Dawson stood. “Yes, Alpha.” He left the room.

  “Make yourself at home, Keira.” Devin pushed himself up from the table and stood as well. “I’m going to check on Tamara.”

  “How is she? How are the babies?” Blake asked, as the Alpha moved around the table.

  “She’s happy.” Devin smiled. “They’re due any day now.” He paused at the door. “Would the two of you send my orders to both Nick and Jayson? We meet under the moon at five past midnight.”


  “Keira, right?” Keira nearly jumped out of her skin when the woman spoke to her and touched her on her shoulder. She spun around and found herself face to face with a brown-eyed, brown skin woman. For a moment, she looked on in awe at her, admiring her beauty. Was she a wolf shifter too?

  “My name is Arianna.”

  “Arianna?” She heard the name the before, during a short conversation the mean had earlier that day.

  “Aiden said you probably needed some company. He’ll be occupied tonight, as you can see.” She nodded towards the clearing in the forest where the men had gathered in a circle.

  From her position on the wrap around porch of the mansion, she couldn’t really hear anything. It had been at least an hour, and they were still gathered there. The six Council members and two Elders.

  “I don’t think they’ll be done anytime soon,” Arianna said.

  “I’m sorry,” Keira said. “I’ve been rude. My name is Keira.”

  “No need for apologies.”

  Arianna joined her on the swing bench, curling her feet up under her. “What are you reading?”

  She handed Arianna the book, who took one look at it, flipped through a couple pages, and said, “Steamy. I’d like to borrow this when you’re done reading it?”

  Keira smiled shyly, then nodded her head toward the men. “Which one?”


  She remembered Jayson being the one who’d ridden up on a motorcycle, black garments covering him from head to toe. He looked like he wanted to bite someone’s head off. “He wasn’t in a very good mood when he came here tonight.”

  Arianna chuckled. “He’ll be okay. His computer crashed this morning, and we couldn’t reach our technician. Turns out he was on vacation.”

  “Oh. So, they’re not always this mad.”

  “You’ve joined us at a rough time. The Pack is in danger of being split again. On top of that, we’ve all got issues. I take it that you’ve thought about becoming one of us long and hard.” She then arched a brow, waiting for Keira’s answer.

  “Aiden’s my mate. There is no other place I’d rather be.”

  “Sweet,” Arianna said. “You’ll fit right in then.”

  “Do you know what they’re talking about out there?”

  “Jayson ordered me not to listen in,” she sai
d, slyly.

  “Are you wolf?”

  “I’m Other,” she said. “And yes, that means I can hear them if I wanted to.”

  Keira shook her head. “I don’t want to get you in trouble with Jayson.”

  “It’s not Jayson I’m worried about. These orders came directly from Devin.”

  “I see.” It didn’t take a whiz to know that you never crossed him.

  “I don’t need to listen to know that they’re having talks about the upcoming battle.”

  “Battle?” Keira turned in the chair, giving Arianna her full attention.

  “With Arnou. This won’t end happily.”

  “Would it have been better if we’d not discovered the relics,” she asked.

  “No.” Arianna shook her head. “It was only a matter of time before the feuding began. This battle has been brewing years. During that time, Arnou has remained on the sidelines waiting for the right time to strike. It’s not mystery that he’s after what Devin has already acquired. The Caedmon Pack was at its weakest point before Devin. When he accepted the role as Alpha, there was hope again. We are stronger now. Not as strong as we should be, but we are progressing in numbers. Arnou’s jealousy has grown, and he’s gotten greedier.”

  Keira looked out at the men, but they weren’t in human form anymore. All six of them were now wolves and they were in a circle around one of the Elders.

  “Let’s go inside.” Arianna got up. “We shouldn’t be out her now. They need to concerntrate.”

  She followed, but before joining Arianna in the mansion, she asked, “What will they do?”

  “I told you. I can’t listen.”

  “You can see,” Keira urged. “You know the Caedmon ways. What does it look like?”

  She smiled. “You are just as hard-headed as I am. I already see that you and I will get into much trouble together.”

  Nonetheless, Arianna looked back and her gaze locked on the wolves in the field. She stared for almost a minute with a glint of light circling around the irises of her eyes, much like Aiden’s did when he was observing something.

  “The Alpha has chosen to delegate,” she finally said. “That’s why all six of them have shifted. Now let’s go inside before we get into trouble.”